Systems Engineering
Using an interdisciplinary, collaborative approach, The Columbia Group delivers systems engineering management support for our customers involved with the development and life cycle management of a system. We employ a logical sequence of activities and decisions to transform operational needs into a description of system performance parameters and preferred system configurations. This includes the assessment of system development processes; employing system analyses and controls; and providing systems planning, organization and management support. The Columbia Group services include requirements management, hardware and software development support, developmental and operational testing support, technical data development and review, program performance metrics tracking, and risk management. These services are part of the overall SE Process.
The Columbia Group is an experienced and highly successful provider of systems engineering support. We employ a “system of systems” approach within the framework of both major Defense acquisitions and in-service platform modifications which has been proven to achieve program objectives within budget and on schedule.
Our systems engineering services include:
- Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis
- Configuration and Data Management (CM/DM)
- Design trade analysis
- Earned Value Management (EVM)
- Engineering management
- Environmental engineering analysis
- Failure mode, effects, and criticality analysis (FMECA)
- Fatigue analysis
- Finite element analysis
- Fracture mechanics
- Hazard risk management
- Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) support
- Level of repair analysis (LORA)
- Life Cycle cost analysis
- Maintainability engineering analysis
- Materials engineering & corrosion control planning
- Milestone planning and documentation development
- Modeling and simulation
- Naval architecture & ship design analysis
- Operation analysis
- Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)
- Reliability predictions
- Requirements development and tracking
- Risk identification, tracking, and mitigation
- Root cause analysis
- Software and systems integration
- Stability and control
- Structural analysis
- System safety analysis
- System trade-off analyses
- Technology insertion
- Test and evaluation
- Thermodynamics
- Value engineering
- Vibration analysis
We have a proven track-record of providing effective and efficient engineering analyses to achieve our customers’ objectives.