Strategic Communications Support
Concise, Creative, Timely, and Targeted.
Critical to the success of any organization and its initiatives is strategic communications. In today’s world with unlimited information at everyone’s fingertips – 24×7 – it’s easy for no information or misinformation to confuse audiences, create misperceptions and derail progress. The Columbia Group helps to ensure strategic planning, development and execution of cost-effective communications to deliver powerful results for an organization, its leadership, projects and programs. From face-to-face, to traditional print and broadcast, to web-enabled and social media communication vehicles, we have the professional resources to drive your communications success.
Communications capabilities include:
- Strategic communications planning
- Senior officer/executive speech and presentation support
- Program/Project/Change management communications for business initiatives
- Media/Public Relations – press management, press releases, articles for publication
- Social media strategies and execution – Facebook, Twitter, blogs
- Website conceptualization, development and content management
- Print collateral – brochures, posters, advertisements, signage, meeting/seminar support
- Outreach Events – trade shows/conferences/reward and recognition
- Graphic and visual/video design and production management
- Rescue/emergency communications – for crisis situations, reverse declining image or perception
The Columbia Group brings talent whose expertise was gained in the public and private sectors and from engagements across the Department of Defense. Whether you need support for a single speech, a short-term project, or a multi-year, multi-faceted global program requiring every aspect of communications for strategic, operational and tactical support, The Columbia Group can tailor efforts to meet your timeline and budget, exceed expectations and deliver powerful results.